PTCGP Leader is a Discord Bot that aids in your communities daily Pokémon intake as you play the newest mobile game Pokémon TCG Pocket.
It features leaderboards tracking Wins / Loss / KO’s + Who is the best with which single type deck!
A card look-up to discuss why your favorite is Pikachu EX! and a ton more to come and current!
This is a fan based project ran by AZEREP. If you’d like to get involved or provide insight reach out on Discord!
There are a handful of commands one can use in the bot currently:
》Lookup Card Info
》Duel Challenge
》Record a Match
》Deck Leaderboard
》Build Your In-Game Collection
At this time the bot only functions in my DISCORD Community during its development. Feel free to join to check it out.
(If you run a community of 20-ish I am willing to give TESTER access to the bot to aid in its development.)
The Website is: PTCGP COLLECTION BINDER is now available to anyone to build their in-game collection.
Otherwise in the SOON FUTURE the discord bot will allow import from JSON to load the Players Collection in the discord bot and later pull deck builds etc for the user based on their claimed collection.